2018年11月13日 星期二

GraphQL 學習心得


GraphQL - A Query Language for APIs

GraphQL is a query language designed to build client applications by providing an intuitive and flexible syntax and system for describing their data requirements and interactions. — from Facebook


  • Why GraphQL
  • Java Library
  • Example Project
  • Problem
  • GraphiQL

Why GraphQL


Downloading superfluous data
Overfetching means that a client downloads more information than is actually required in the app.


Underfetching generally means that a specific endpoint doesn’t provide enough of the required information. The client will have to make additional requests to fetch everything it needs.

Browser Connection Limit

Max Number of default simultaneous persistent connections per server/proxy:
Firefox 3+: 6
Opera 12: 6
Safari 5: 6
IE 7: 2
IE 8: 6
IE 10: 8
Chrome: 6

HTTP connection cost

REST vs GraphQL

Java Library

GraphQL and GraphiQL Spring Framework Boot Starters

Repository contains:
graphql-spring-boot-starter to turn your boot application into GraphQL server
graphiql-spring-boot-starter to embed GraphiQL tool for schema introspection and query debugging


Schema First
type Link {
  url: String!
  description: String!

type Query {
  allLinks: [Link]


Code First
public class SomeObject {
  public String field;

// ...
GraphQLObjectType object = GraphQLAnnotations.object(SomeObject.class);


DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application’s data fetching layer to provide a simplified and consistent API over various remote data sources such as databases or web services via batching and caching.

Example Project

  • GraphQLxSpringBoot
  • GraphQLxSpringMVC


Spring Boot plugin requires Gradle 4.0 or later.
plugins {
    id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.0.4.RELEASE'

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'io.spring.dependency-management'

dependencies {
    compile group: 'com.graphql-java', name: 'graphql-spring-boot-starter', version: '4.0.0'
    compile group: 'com.graphql-java', name: 'graphiql-spring-boot-starter', version: '4.0.0'
gradle bootRun


dependencies {
    compile group: 'org.springframework', name: 'spring-webmvc', version: '4.3.16.RELEASE'
    compile group: 'com.graphql-java', name: 'graphql-java', version: '8.0'
    compile group: 'com.graphql-java', name: 'graphql-java-tools', version: '5.2.3'
gradle appRun



沒有 Inheritance

沒有 Overload

a particular field must always return the same type
type Link {
  url: String!
  description: String!

type Query {
  links: [Link]
  links(limit: Int): [Link]

Map Scalar

public class MapScalar {

  public static final GraphQLScalarType MAP = new GraphQLScalarType("Map", "A custom map scalar type", new Coercing() {
    public Object serialize(Object dataFetcherResult) throws CoercingSerializeException {
      Map map = null;
      try {
        map = Map.class.cast(dataFetcherResult);
      } catch (ClassCastException exception) {
        throw new CoercingSerializeException("Could not convert " + dataFetcherResult + " into a Map", exception);
      return map;

    public Object parseValue(Object input) throws CoercingParseValueException {
      return null;

    public Object parseLiteral(Object input) throws CoercingParseLiteralException {
      return null;


status code always 200 even exception…
  "errors": [
      "message": "Invalid Syntax",
      "locations": [
          "line": 1,
          "column": 0


  "data": {
    "Profile": null
  "errors": [
      "message": "Exception while fetching data (/Profile/basic) : Data Not Found, pid:3112122",
      "locations": [
          "line": 3,
          "column": 5
      "path": [


An in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL.
autocomplete: option(control) + space
